- Added invoiceNumber to Receipt List when retrieving a receipt.
- Added invoiceNumber to Receipt Get when searching receipts.
- Added externalReferences to V3 Shipment objects Shipment List and Shipment Get
- Added address, shippedDate, shippedDateOverride, and shippingCost to Shipment Update.
- Added isTaxable to Item Create and Item Update
- Added sourceType, relatedEntityType, and relatedEntityId as filter parameters for [Inventory Transactions List](/api-schema#tag/Inventory-Transactions/operation/ ListInventoryTransactions)
- Added value and totalValue to Inventory Transactions List
- Added externalReference as a filter parameter to Receipt List when retrieving receipts.
- Added shippedFromLocations to V3 Shipment Line Items List.
- Added vendorOrderNumber to Purchase Orders.
- Expand parameters for Items List to allow for case-sensitivity toggling.
- Add NCR List endpoint.
- Enforce line-item based endpoints to retain sort order based on their position.
- Update line-item based endpoints to use the parent item's description if no value is supplied when the line item is created.
- Add "yard" as valid line item unit of measure. Affects multiple endpoints that utilize units of measure.
- Allow up to 2000 characters on Item Descriptions. Affects multiple endpoints that use this validation attribute.
- Added createdUtc to Sales Order List and Sales Order Get
- Added shippingCost and shippingCharge to V3 Shipment objects Shipment List and Shipment Get
- Add externalReferences to Item List and Item Get.
- Add shippingMethodId to Shipment Patch and Shipment Update/
- Expose V3 Shipping endpoints Shipment List, Shipment Patch, Shipment Update
- Added shippingMethod and shippingAccount to V3 Shipment objects Shipment List and Shipment Get
- Update V3 Shipment Line Items List endpoint to allow for searching by multiple line item ids.
- Corrected duplicate custom field update routes.
- Add customFields to Items List
- Add deliveryDueDate to Sales Order Patch
- Add deliveryDueDate to Sales Order Update
- Update Item Create to carry though system defaults on accountingCodeId, accountingCode2Id, and isSellable when not supplied
- Add customFields to Receipt List when retrieving a receipt.
- Add customFields to Receipt Get when searching receipts.
- Added salesUnitOfMeasureConversions to Item Create
- Added salesUnitOfMeasureConversions to Item Update
- Added salesUnitOfMeasureConversions to Item List
- Added ItemRoutingOperation Bulk Create endpoint
- Add deliveryDueDate to Sales Order Update
- Added V3 Shipment Line Items List endpoint
- Added accountingCode2Id to Item endpoints
- Added workOrderOperation as an Attachment ownerType
- Added V3 Shipments endpoint for creating, updating, and searching V3 Shipments
- Add Job Tracking Timer endpoints for starting, stopping, and searching timers
- Add subtotal, and preDiscountSubTotal to partLineItems for Quotes, Sales Orders, and Purchase Orders
- Add rate to Tax Rate
- Add Inventory OnHandByItem
- Add Inventory Transactions List
- Add internalNotes to Item
- Add description, minimumProductionQuantity, minimumStockOnHand to Item Create
- Add description, minimumProductionQuantity, minimumStockOnHand to Item Update
- Add Item Custom Fields Update
- Add additional tax rate filter by tax rate id Tax Rates List
- Added completedOnUtc, cancelledOnUtc, and revenue to Jobs Get
- Add url property to all externalReferences properties
- Add externalReferences to Quote Part Line Item Create
- Add externalReferences to Quote Part Line Item Update
- Add customFields to Quote Get and Quote List
- Add customFields to Quote Part Line Item Get and Quote Part Line Item List
- Added UserStatuses List for retrieving a list of user statuses, which shows if they are clocked in, on break, and what jobs they are working on.
- Added UserStatus Get for retrieving a single user status, which shows if they are clocked in, on break, and what jobs they are working on.
- Added deliveryDate, isPercentageDiscount, and discountAmount to Sales Order Part Line Item Create
- Added deliveryDate, isPercentageDiscount, and discountAmount to Sales Order Part Line Item Update
- Added Name, QuantityToMake, ProductionDueDate, and Notes to Job Update endpoint
- Added Attachment List for retrieving a list of attachments.
- Added Attachment Get for retrieving information about specific attachment.
- Added Attachment Download for downloading a specific attachment.
- Added Attachments Download for downloading a zip of attachments (via filter).
- Added Equipment List for retrieving a list of equipment.
- Added Equipment Get for retrieving a piece of equipment.
- Added Department List for retrieving a list of departments.
- Added Department Get for retrieving a department.
- Added WorkCenter List for retrieving a list of workcenters.
- Added WorkCenter Get for retrieving a workcenter.
- Added JobTracking Get for retrieving job progression and status information. This can be used to get a bird's-eye view of the job, including current operation(s), next operation(s) and estimates vs actuals so users have visibility into their shop floor.
- Added Job Operation List for retrieving all operations for a job with related item to make and operation details.
- Added OriginalScheduledStartUtc, OriginalScheduledEndUtc, ScheduledStartUtc and ScheduledEndUtc to all endpoints that return jobs. Affects Job List, Job Get and JobTracking Get
- Added Attachment for adding an attachment to an entity.
- Added Remote Attachment adding an attachment to an entity from a remote file location.
- Added Material List for acquiring materials.
- Added Material Get for get a material.
- Added Material Activate for activating a material from the global material repository for usage in your Fulcrum site.
- Added Shipping Method for acquiring a shipping method.
- Added Shipping Method List for searching for shipping methods.
- Added ExpectedReceiveDate when retrieving an part line item on a purchase order.
- Added ExpectedReceiveDate when retrieving a purchase order or list of purchase orders.
- Added Inventory Override
- Updated Sales Order Part Line Create to use the Fulcrum derived price (based on existing price breaks) for an item when not provided.
- Updated Sales Order Part Line Update to retain the existing line item price when not provided.
- Quote Part Line Items Create Batch added for adding multiple part line items to a quote order at once.
- Added item notes, isTaxable, taxCodeId, taxRate, externalReferences, isPercentageDiscount and discountAmt to Quote Part Line Items Get.
- Added item notes, isTaxable, taxCodeId, taxRate, externalReferences, isPercentageDiscount and discountAmt to Quote Part Line Items Create.
- Quote Part Line Items Update added for updating a quote part line item.
- Added Customer Id when retrieving a quote.
- Corrected Quote Fee Line Item to correctly provide a description and name value.
- Added Line Items when retrieving a receipt.
- Added option to incude Line Items when retrieving a list of receipts using includeReceiptLines.
- Added option to include Vendor Data when retrieving a list of items using includeVendorData.
- Added option to include Usage Data when retrieving a list of items using includeUsageData.
- Added Custom Fields when retrieving a list of items.
- Added Custom Fields when retrieving an item.
- Added Minimum Stock On Hand when retrieving a list of items.
- Added Minimum Stock On Hand when retrieving an item.
- Added CategoryId when retrieving a list of items.
- Added CategoryId when retrieving an item.
- Added Addresses when retrieving a list of vendors.
- Added ConvertedQuantityReceived when retrieving a receipt line item.
- Added UnitOfMeasureMultiplier when retrieving a receipt line item.
- Added ConvertedQuantityReceived when listing a receipt's line items.
- Added UnitOfMeasureMultiplier when listing a receipt's line items.
- Added CreatedUtc when retrieving a job.
- Added CreatedUtc List when listing jobs.
- Added createdBeforeUtc Filter for filtering jobs.
- Added createdAfterUtc Filter for filtering jobs.
- Added Paid Date to Invoice Update Status method for setting the
property on an invoice - Added Item Routing Operation Batch for bulk applying operations to an item. Of note, this is geared towards nuance associated to continuous flow whereby operation order must be unique (no overlaps) but it can still be used if continuous flow is not enable. This will allow for bulk re-ordering operations, updating the existing operations where applicable, adding operations where they do not currently exist and removing no longer applicable operations.
- Added Gauge Code for acquiring a gauge code that exists in Fulcrum tags.
- Added Gauge Code List for searching for gauge codes that exists in Fulcrum tags.
- Added Grade Code for acquiring a grade codes that exists in Fulcrum tags.
- Added Grade Code List for searching for grade codes that exists in Fulcrum tags.
- Added Material Code for acquiring a material codes that exists in Fulcrum tags.
- Added Material Code List for searching for material codes that exists in Fulcrum tags.
- Added Shape Code for acquiring a shape codes that exists in Fulcrum tags.
- Added Shape Code List for searching for shape codes that exists in Fulcrum tags.
- Updated Item Create to includes more fields (gauge, materialCode, shape, grade, height, length and width).
- Added Item Update for updating an item. Minimal subset of fields.
- Added operation name to the Job Item To Make Operation endpoint.
- Added instructions to the Job Item To Make Operation endpoint.
- Added Pick item for job
- Added vendor notes to the User endpoints.
- Added employeeId to the User endpoints.
- Added taxCodeId to the Invoice line item endpoints and the Purchase Order Line Item endpoints.
- Updated the Invoice endpoints to include 'Total', 'Subtotal', and 'NotesToCustomer' fields.
- Sales Order Part Line Items Create Batch added for adding multiple part line items to a sales order at once.
- Added operation custom fields to the job item-to-make operation List/Read endpoint
- Provided write/update access to the operation custom fields via the new job item-to-make operation write/update endpoint
- Sales Order Refund Line Items List updated to include: accounting code, refund reason code, returns (and their quantity) and external references.
- Sales Order Refund Line Items Create added for creating a refund line item on a sales order.
- Sales Order Refund Line Items Update added for updating a refund line item on a sales order.
- Sales Order Refund Line Items Delete added for removing a refund line item on a sales order.
- Refund Reason Code Get added for acquiring a refund reason code.
- Refund Reason Code List added for searching refund reason codes.
- Sales Order Delete updated to validate additional touchpoints before pursuing a deletion.
- Scheduled start time, scheduled end time, and scheduled equipment ID added to the job item-to-make operation List/Read
- Deprecated the
field in favour ofstatuses
in the request body schema for [job List][api-schema#tag/Job/operation/ListJob] so that more than 1 job status can be filtered for at a time.status
is Scheduled for removal EOD 2023-10-31. - Added the
in the request body schema for [job List][api-schema#tag/Job/operation/ListJob] to filter for jobs with incomplete operations.
- Priority added to sales order Create/Read/Update
- Deleted indicators added to Sales Order, Invoice and Purchase Order objects. While
endpoints do not return deleted entities, you can still GET a deleted entity by it's Id. Having an indicator on the object will help your applications decide whether they can still make changes to that entity.
- The Items List endpoint has been versioned. The new V2 Item List endpoint has a more robust item number matching options than the simple "contains" method of the original endpoint.
- Add units of measure to Item Vendor Details.
- Respect the IsTaxable value provided to the Customer create, update and patch endpoints.
- Added ShipByDate to available filters as well as the response object of Shipments list.
- Added Shipment Create.
- Added Shipment Rollback/Revert.
- Deprecate Item Pick. Scheduled for removal EOD 2023-10-13.
- Deprecate Item Receive. Scheduled for removal EOD 2023-10-13.
- Added Inventory Pick.
- Added Inventory Receive.
- Added Inventory Lot Create.
- Added Inventory Lot Get.
- Added Inventory Lot List.
- Initial release