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Every API request requires an authorization token to be included in the request header. For example, retrieving a specific sales order with curl might look like the following:

curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer nDfRMV3MCyOecBknbHPBtTqwsP7VCGRjltxzalyS55atIFfLgTAi2NgcDx49kJXCqFbeBbhQOI8BwHdxoGLjL57N4dxksEHLda2i'

This token is unique to your fulcrum site and should be kept secure!

Getting an API token

A public API token can be generated within your fulcrum site via Business Setup -> System Data -> Public Api. Here you'll be asked for a token name, description, and expiration date of the token. You may create as many API tokens as you need and they can be revoked through deletion.